Zoom in and scroll around
When you open a view (by clicking its tab), the zoom level is set so that the entire view is visible on screen. You can zoom in further to view details up close. Along the right edge of the window there are buttons for zooming in and out.
When you are zoomed in, you can move around in the view in a few different ways:
- Using the scrollbars at the edges of the view display.
- Using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
- On some computers, using two finger scrolling. Place the mouse cursor anywhere in the view display, and then slide two fingers on the touchpad/trackpad.
- By teleporting. When zoomed in, click the button with four arrows, just below the zooming buttons. In the panel that appears, click anywhere and the view display will immediately scroll to that location.
Note: You can also zoom in and out using these keyboard shortcuts: + - 1 0